Tuesday 18 December 2012

Some images since I last posted!

Above is a little montage of festive photos I took around my house the other day. I put them together with an app called iBooth. I then put it on Instagram to change the effect! I love the Christmassy feel of it!

Above is a page from a book I purchased in London the other day called: 1001 ways to tranquility. At £2.99 and full of inspiring and lovely quotes, it really was a bargain!

Above is a panorama of a walk i took the other day with my dog. I love living in the UK countryside when i'm not at University. It was a particularly cold and sunny day with a gorgeous blue sky. I absolutely love this photo. 

It's been a while...

So, its been over about 10 days since I last posted and quite alot has happened!
I am back home for Christmas now and feeling super festive! All the decorations are up and lets just say our home electricity bill is going to be massive what with all the lights that are up!

Since I last posted I have bought lots of presents and wrapped lots of presents..being single I have spent more money on friends and family this year, which makes me insanely happy! I got my best friend some little quirky gifts this year, my favourites being an old vintage/shabby chic photoframe and a silver plated engraved heart shaped compact mirror. I love hunting out unusual gifts or putting my own personal touches to them!

The other day I went to London with my mum and watched Kiss me Kate at the Old Vic. The tickets were for her Xmas present & it was INSANE. I literally can't even describe how amazing the choreography was! Adam Garcia (Coyote Ugly) was fabulous and he is super cute! I pretty much watched him the entire show! It's on until March and I recommend! 

Something that makes me really happy is a little book I purchased from a cheap bookstore in London, by the Old Vic. It's called 1001 ways to tranquility and contains 1001 quotes which uplift and inspire. It's super cute and was a fab little purchase at £2.99. 

Hope everyone is well!

S xx

Thursday 6 December 2012

Gingerbread lattes and lots of growing..

So yesterday was a day of massive reflection.. A day which made me realise I need to chill out, stop pushing people away and realise my problems are minor compared to others. Here goes...

1. Yesterday was the dress rehearsal for a performance i've been directing and which is being performed next week. I've been so stressed out for about 6 weeks now since I was given the task of director. Snapping at two performers I made one of the girls take off a piece of jewellery which she put on the side and subsequently forgot about. I felt bad about snapping but just carried on and we ran a dress rehearsal. It wasn't til the end of the day she realised she was so stressed out she forgot to pick it up. I FELT AWFUL. I felt like it was all my fault. Spending all last night and today worrying/calling up uni lost property/trying to buy her a new ring/apologising/crying and feeling like a mega b*tch for snapping at her to take it off. Luckily it was found. PHEW.

Made me realise I shouldn't snap at innocent people and take my stress out on them. This girl is an incredible hardworker, and a good friend. I feel like I needed that to happen to realise being authoritative and making a statement doesn't have to mean being a bossy b*tch. Although misplacing the jewellery wasn't my fault, because I had made her remove it in a bossy way when it wasn't even a big deal made me feel like it was my fault.

2. I walked into town and had a coffee with a friend. We both had the yummiest gingerbread lattes and sat for a while in the warm discussing life and our problems. I fully look up to my friend, she's a massive inspiration..she's been through a lot yet she faces everyday with a positive and cheery outlook. She's always bubbly and happy and I can't say i have ever seen her down. My problems are minuscule compared to hers, and it goes to show how everybody has to deal with crap sometimes. I feel like I needed to experience that and see and hear what she goes through in order to put my life into perspective.

3. I went out in the evening to a nightclub with friends. Having a few drinks I was really enjoying the night until I decided I would spend the entirity staring after/making a scene with a boy who I like who CLEARLY doesn't like me back. I made myself look like an idiot and acted in a foolish manner. I ended up going home early and felt like I had ruined a great night with friends..not to mention I absolutely put across such a frosty side when any male gave me attention.
I feel like I needed that to show me how I need to seriously grow up and stop acting like a needy desperate girl. I should enjoy spending time with friends, take things chilled and just let things happen naturally. You can't force someone to like you.

Monday 3 December 2012

My biggest wish..

Today has been a hard day. Although I had a day off from University I had a rehearsal for a play I am directing. Travelling to Uni with my friend we started talking about 'deep issues' and she (knowing my issues with self confidence/esteem/generally appreciating myself) started asking me why I was so insecure. I don't know why I am, since I can remember I have hated everything about myself. 

  • My body
  • My hair
  • My weight
  • My face
  • My teeth

I know everyone has their own issues with themselves but mine are so bad. I constantly compare myself to others and never ever appreciate what I have. I feel so selfish because I have a disabled brother who is constantly in a wheelchair, and compared to his life I have so much. I just can't seem to be happy and appreciate myself.

Anyway, on this drive into Uni we got talking about guys (i'm single) and it made me realise how although, I want a boyfriend, I have so many insecurities it would take me forever to be confident and trust a guy/feel confident with no makeup/just woken up/without clothes. The thought tires me, and makes me miss my ex who unfortunately for me, broke up with me last Autumn literally just as inside I felt 100% confident about letting myself go with him (I'd been with him a year and it took me that long)

So arriving at Uni I felt terrible, just wanted to throw myself into a hole and stay there, with a massive migrane.

Some people wish for objects-money, houses, cars..I just wish I could love myself and let myself go and BE HAPPY.

Love S xx

Sunday 2 December 2012

I have a very sore...


Haha..got ya! 

I definitely did what i'm sure everyone experiences many times in their lives, and yesterday, burnt my tongue on boiling hot coffee. As it happened I made the biggest error and took too long pondering whether to spit or swallow (teehee) and spitting it out I burnt my lips :(

Totally having a nightmare tasting/eating today.

Jeeeeps. Anyway I think everyone should check out The New Velvet on youtube.
I'm guessing they're a US band, & they are FANTASTIC. Like seriously! I want them to get loads of exposure because they have covered and made such fab music. 

This is a beautiful painting by the artist Leonid Afremov. It's oil on canvas and the colours are so delicious and just draw you in. I am LOVING this right now. It's my computer wallpaper and looking at it evokes such a happy relaxed feeling.

Love S xx

The next step..


I've been doing this for about 25 minutes and i'm already on my second post.

I started posting online this blog, just the thought of strangers who I've never and may never meet reading what i'm writing is seriously such a buzz!

Here's something I am LOVING right now.

This is an image of a Banksy work which was painted in London near Old Street tube station. It's Samuel L Jackson & John Travolta (both bosses) in the iconic film Pulp Fiction! Unfortunately this graffiti (art) has been painted over now :( But I bought this image on a HUUUUGE canvas for a Christmas present. I absolutely love it! Replacing the guns with bananas is a funny convention and i'm sure if someone wanted to unpick the 'meaning' of the piece they could probably spend hours but I just really like the image!!

Love S <3

The First Installment..


This is my first blog post.
Not sure who'll read it (tons I hope..)
But in a nutshell (mmm nuts..cashews..mm) this is a blog dedicated to random musings and gibberish that comes out of my head and onto here.

So... a bit about me. Well my name is a secret, as is my location..but I am a girl, living in the UK in her twenties, studying drama at university. I have a pretty normal-ish life, except for the fact I am completely obsessed with food, scented candles, cool photography, leopard print, my dog, Banksy, cupcakes and pretty nails. (An array!!)

I constantly wish I could change my life, and ponder for hours whether I would be happier "grass isn't always greener" 

I don't fit into any social group and have an array (new fave word) of different friends! 

I study drama, but i'm not that kind of drama student who constantly seeks attention by putting on stupid voices/mini performances "oooh look at me i'm a fairy." They just annoy the hell out of me.

But more importantly, i'm single AND I HATE HATE HATE IT. Like seriously despise, loathe and detest it. I am a sucker for a soppy movie/novel and I just want someone to spoon me on these impending sub-zero temp winter nights.

Well..thats all for now. IF I continue to post, you'll get a (perhaps) daily insight into my life and whats hot and whats not with me right now!

Love S <3